A big spacious playground in Windsor Terrace, it sits along the Prospect Expressway ensuring its always loud and sooty.
Continuing the tradition of investing in playgrounds abutting highways, this generously proportioned playground has a lot to offer. However, there’s a constant hum of road noise, and no doubt a lot of aerosol pollution from the exhaust.
The configuration is a bit strange with a set of equipment on the west side of the park segregated from the main playground area, which also has several pieces of climbing equipment. We played in both sections.
There's a lot of open space here which is great for active kids running around in a protected area, though its largely pavement. There are basketball and wall ball courts aplenty here for running around or ball sports.
The equipment is well-worn. Some of the sensory equipment has seen better days but much of the rest is fine.
Overall this was a pretty playground with older trees around it, but you are definitely aware that there's a highway next to you. It's conveniently accessible from the G and F subway underneath of it, and a pedestrian bridge over the highway.
The playground is named for the nearby cemetery and first opened in 1935 as part of the Works Progress Administration.