This beautiful park in the northwest corner of Bay Ridge has beautiful lawns and trees, but the crowded playground is well-worn and outdated.
The setting for this playground is idyllic. Old trees surround the park, and even though the playground is near to a road, it feels isolated and pastoral.
It's a popular spot with lots of children – there aren't many nearby playgrounds which might explain the crowding. The park also attracts picnics and other gatherings that bring people here too.
The playground itself has tables that people were eating at as well.
Despite the heavy use, or perhaps because of it, the older equipment is well-worn. There is a bit of neglect on some of the pieces of equipment. Nevertheless, it was a great place to bring a toddler on a warm October afternoon.
Formerly the estate of Eliphalet W. Bliss who allowed the city to buy the property on his death for $835,000. In the 1930s the park was neglected and much of the estate that sat on the property had to be demolished by 1940.
There is n clear explanation as to why the park is known as Owl's Head.